Sunday, July 14, 2024

Scalar and Vector

 Scalar-Having only magnitude not direction

Vector-Quantity having direction

Scalar - (minus) entropy/degree of disorder= Vector, OR, Scalar=Vector + Entropy

I will equate scalar to all the possibilities of occurrence, which when loses its disorder starts manifesting directionality and hence vector properties.

Under the above "indeterminism" is like a scalar, possessing the property of infinite possibilities and "determinism" is like a  vector showing directionality.

According to advaita (non-dual) psychology/philosophy -the absolute seen through the prism of time, space and causation becomes the relative  i.e. the Universe. Since there is an arrow of time in the classical world, cause and effect coming from this arrow of time, the universe is deterministic. Even in the quantum realm -the measurements are probability outcomes, in a range of possibilities.But are these possibilities infinite?

To me, intuitively, the absolute are the infinite fields of existence which have a range of possibilities of manifestation. The unmanifest is infinite, scalar, at equilibrium (possessing no directionality) and is what can be called free. Once a perturbation/disturbance occurs in this field, waves/particles arise which have defined properties (directionality). Intentionality has direction.

"Experience" and indeterminism:

This is tricky stuff! It is all speculative.

Indeterminism can only be "experienced" when the mind with all its intentionalities and uncontrolled thoughts is done away with by concentrating thought energy on the self-the unit feeling (feeling of being/equanimity/ a reflection of the universal equilibrium) . This results in focused thought energy  via which the illumination of awareness filters through, and helps one observe and experience reality as it is with its infinite possibilities . Can this be practically experienced? Limitedness due to uncontrolled thoughts dissolve away .

Duality/Multiplicity are pertubances in an equilibrium field and hence are directional i.e. vectorial while the undisturbed field at equilibrium is scalar.
As human beings,  under the influence of uncontrolled thoughts we will never experience indeterminism, but focus the thought energy or attentional energy on this awareness mentioned above and one will experience infinite possibilities.


 Intelligence = Information ?

Consciousness = Energy ?

Evolution of the wave function from highly dense starting point=Parachute unpacking and opening up to expand.

Self and the Microbiome

  My experience is that I observe my thoughts.

What is this I ? According to Advaita/Non-dual psychology the I, is  the constant “Self”, from infancy to adulthood, throughout life. Our thoughts keep changing through lived experience, but the I,the Self, witnessing the thoughts is a constant through lived experience.

If , the cells of a human body are  constantly being replenished throughout life, then how is I, the Self a constant ?

The conclusion  of seers through meditation ( cessation of thought vibrations/concentration and focusing of outgoing thoughts inwards away from sensory input)is that: This I/Self is Awareness  or Pure Consciousness, that  permeates the entire universe, hence each living being. This awareness is realized, in human beings ,when thought vibrations cease. 

There has to be ' something ' non-changing/non-malleable in the human brain for the constant witnessing self/I to function and express itself.

I hypothesize that this universal  awareness (Brahman- in Advaita terminology) or proto-consciousness , as I would like to call it, is a universal energy field in 1-dimension(D), which I would like to denote as depth/microcosm. When vibrations or perturbations occur in this field 2D waves arise, which I define as  Atman/individual Self/witnessing I of each living being. Interactions of 2D vibrations , gives rise to more complex vibratiory patterns in 3D space , which I would call the underlying mind and subsequent more complex patterns of vibratory energy i.e. matter in 4D spacetime. The mechanism of increased complexity is  through subsequent condensation of vibratory  energy into matter via phase transitions. The brain is a physical object in 4D space time. The mind that biologists talk of today, I refer to as the emergent mind from the brain  activity in 4D spacetime, which I call as the surface or macrocosm.

Previously,I proposed based on the above, that when Artificial Intelligence (AI), becomes “sufficiently complex” it will manifest the properties of the living human body , since Brahman/Universal Awareness/Consciousness is all pervasive. However , I am re-thinking taking the human microbiome (the trillions of microbes that colonize the human body) into context. I am not sure anymore.


  The math of emergence of mind/agency involves fractals.

The physics of emergence of mind/agency involves phase transitions.

The chemistry of emergence of mind/agency involves interactions.

The biology of emergence of mind/agency involves organization.

Cancer Complexity

  Why does cancer develop and spread (metastasize) at the expense of the host organism ?

Tumor cells multiply indefinitely to form a tumor, which under 'appropriate' conditions spread and eventually kills the host.

It appears that the tumor is selected for, BUT, at the expense of the host organism.

This is Darwinian natural selection at play, for the tumor.

Why is the host not selected for survival ? Is it because it is the survival of multiple individual cells, whose regulation has gone awry versus a single host organism? A game of numbers where complexity is defeated.

The tumor per se (with mutations) does not kill the host, but the spread of the tumor to different sites in supportive microenvironments kills the host organism. So the mutation does not confer the survival of the tumor at the expense of the host per se, but the mutated cells functioning in specific microenvironments. 

So is there more to the story of 'Natural selection of mutants', which could be context-dependent? 

Previous Blog


  Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the hereditary material is a relatively featureless polymer, of the repeating subunit of a nucleotide (base+sugar+phospategroup). Every DNA molecule of a particular type (A-DNA, B-DNA) looks alike in 3-dimensions. DNA of different sequences looks the same in 3-dimensional space or different DNA sequences have the same 3-dimensional structure(shape).

See Link Below: 

DNA gets transcribed to the message, ribonucleic acid (RNA), which gets translated to the polypeptide (protein), composed of amino acid subunits.

The polypeptide "folds" in 3-dimensional space over time, to give rise to the final structure of the polypeptide.  Proteins may consist of a single polypeptide or multiple polypeptides interacting with each other. Polypeptides of differing sequences look different in 3-dimensional space, i.e. polypeptides of different sequences have different 3-dimensional structures (shapes and size).

See Link Below: 

Each protein has a different function, depending on its structure. 

The final folded structure of the protein depends on the amino acid sequence, with each type of amino acid possessing a "sidechain", different from the other. It is these side chains that contribute to the feature of the protein molecule. 

 The structure (size and shape) of an ant is different from that of an elephant, and both differ from humans. Humans recognize other humans, presumably via identifying common physical (face and body) features. To a human, an ant is a relatively small living organism, with no common physical (face and body) features. 

At the outset, all icosahedral viruses look similar in shape, due to the icosahedron coat, but differ in size. Bacteria are grouped as rod-shaped, spherical-shaped, spiral-shaped. There are varying species of ants with differences, but they are all grouped under the category of ants sharing similar body sizes and shapes. On the other hand, elephants share similar body shapes and sizes with each other, which differ from ants. 

These differences in size and shape between different species could be one of the factors responsible for species specificity and relatively rare inter-species mating.

Maybe the transition of looking the same to looking different is a "feature" of evolution, that is working at different scales. 

Scalar and Vector

  Scalar-Having only magnitude not direction Vector-Quantity having direction Scalar - (minus) entropy/degree of disorder= Vector, OR, Scala...